Cindy Juyoung Ok Wins 2023 Yale Younger Poets Prize Rae Armantrout, who selected the winning manuscript, "Ward Toward," noted of Ok's work: “Her impulse is to shake things up....Using dream material, sound play, puns, and grammatic instability, she shows that there is always more than one way to make sense, as she elegantly argues at the end of ‘The Five Room Dance’: ‘a closed round, the words we cross a swarm/from which I am wrung. As I, wrong, form.'" via YALE NEWS |
What Sparks Poetry: Allison Cobb on "For love" "As a writer, I have been obsessed with the complexities of my origins, having been born and raised in Los Alamos, New Mexico, the town that built the first atomic bombs, and which remains the location of one of the nation’s three main nuclear weapons labs. Planetary legacies of damage and death stem from this place. How did this happen?" |