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What leads me to the bull's red eye but longing?
How better to calculate the longing than with light?

The light recently arrived here was born alongside 
your mother, who gives you respite tonight,

eighteen hours away, an hour ahead. My binoculars
bring into focus the Hyades, Mars, the Seven Sisters. 

The sky crackles and crusts with stars. I become dizzy. 
I lower the lenses and close my eyes, so touched am I

by the sublimity of time and distance, twin telescopes 
rendering humble my small life. What sound I can make

in my reeling? What rubbing wing or fluting spiracle,
what bellow or snort will reach you before its collapse? 

Know that I hum for you, though you cannot hear it. 
I hum into the mouth of this poem decades of light.
from the journal POETRY LONDON
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In this poem, I am trying to reconceptualize distance between the lover and the beloved, from miles to time, and in so doing, shrink the time between by remembering the stars and light. 

Donika Kelly on "I Did Not Mention the Moon But It Too Showed Out"
Photograph of poet Serhii Pantiuk
"Poetry Flourishes in Ukraine – But at a Terrible Price"

"The experience of conflict has changed Ukrainian poets and their use of language. 'It’s crisper, sharper and with the potential to turn toxic,' observed Oksana Maksymchuk, a poet and translator based in Chicago, writing in an anthology of recent Ukrainian poetry called Words for War."

Cover of Tarta Americana
What Sparks Poetry:
J. Michael Martinez on Reading Prose

"I wanted to understand its syntactic logic of worlding, and, so, I mirrored Angello's process: in my work, I chose to meditate, word by word, on the chorus of Ritchie Valens' 'We Belong Together.' The prose poem sequence that emerged became a structuring force for the book as a whole; the sequence's prose ruminations on temporality, the body, and love, spread out across the book, acted as scaffolds to Tarta Americana's overarching themes."
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