"Jorie Graham : To 2040"
"[T]here was still so much left to explore about Jorie Graham's poetics, which makes her return to Between the Covers, to discuss her latest collection, To 2040. ...Today's conversation is about the body—the body in relation to self and other; the body politic in relation to truth, fact, and shared reality; and the body that is the planet we call home. The body in relation to the virtual, the body in relation to language, and how to find a language in a world where we've lost our way."
What Sparks Poetry: Jacob Sheetz-Willard on Srikanth Reddy's Voyager
"Reading Reddy's collection, for me, has a similar effect. In repeating Waldheim's language but stripping back the rhetoric, he insists on a distinction between sound and significance—what's said and what we can intuit beneath the public performance of language. His poetry offers a lesson in the imaginative potential of erasure and the politics of silence." |