"The Revolutions of a Sonnet" "Seuss’s sonnets are polychromal, polyvocal, manifold in shape and size, abundant in internal and slant rhyme. Seuss has not just drunk from the Stanley Cup, but from the waters of other dimensions and other versions of herself. The object of the sonnet rotates in Seuss’s hands, ever refracted and refracting." via THE RUMPUS |
What Sparks Poetry: Susan Tichy on Thomas A. Clark's The Threadbare Coat "Unlike volumes that map a career, guiding readers through each book a poet has published, The Threadbare Coat offers poems from various publications sequenced to lead us anew up paths and across hillsides, to 'the fort of stillness' or 'the quiet island,' into 'woods & water' and 'sweet vernal grass,' at the speed of footsteps or the 'speed of the running wave.'" |