Ada Limón: "Poet Laureate for the 21st Century" “And so being able to post something on Facebook, on Instagram, on Twitter or any other social media platform, there is this amazing encounter that you can have where you’re flipping through, and it’s like—someone’s child, this lovely flower, there’s a shoe ad—and then you come to this poem and you’re suddenly bowled over by an Audre Lorde poem from 1978.” via SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE |
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What Sparks Poetry: Joshua Edwards on Gérard de Nerval's "Waking Up in a Stagecoach" "I began with the title: “Le Réveil en voiture.” It seemed so simple. “Réveil” is “awaken” and “voiture” is something that carries someone, a vehicle. But which vehicle to put the reader in? What should carry them through the landscape of the poem? The obvious choices at first were “carriage” and “coach,” but those seemed too distant, too private, too monochrome. “Stagecoach” felt better! It was technicolor." |