Hi Do,

Here are Todd’s latest fun picks to take your financial skills to the next level...

The last few editions of "Todd's Picks" addressed some heavy topics.

I showed you how all the conditions were in place for a major market bubble. It's now a question of when, not if.

The next week gave a long-term historical context to the current bubble explaining how we've entered a multi-generational period of epochal change. This a very important topic that few people understand.

So this week it's time to switch gears and lighten up a bit...

Large financial change occurs over several years, so there's no need to hammer the data every week.

That means we can pursue happiness in between.

Or, as John Lennon wisely sang, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."

Nobody invests because they want more money. You invest because you want what you think money will bring - a happier, more secure life.

And that's where today's resources will take you...

100 Tips For A Better Life

I hate tips articles. I don't read them, and I don't publish them. They're nearly always filled with mundane, boring, sound-bite junk that has no practical use. But this one is different. I walked away with a bunch of actionable ideas that were genuinely helpful and insightful. I'm guessing you'll do the same (or I wouldn't have shared it with you, right?!?)

Three Recession-Proof Investments For 2021

Yeah, the title sounds financial, but the article isn't. This is about three lucrative areas to invest your personal capital that require no monetary capital. It's about quality of life - the stuff money can't buy. You have to earn it instead by doing the work.

Just for Fun - Best Wildlife Photos 2020

These photos are hilarious. Guaranteed to bring a smile to your day. Love 'em!

Onward and upward!
Todd Tresidder

How To Connect Your Values To Your Wealth Growth

Your wealth is nothing more than the product of your personal resources and financial resources compounded through time. Personal and financial are inextricably connected, and it all starts with values clarification. Think of it like the hooks and loops that hold Velcro together making it sticky. On one side of your wealth plan are your values, goals, skills, and resources (hooks). On the other side are investments and investment strategies (loops). Each has unique characteristics, and you have to strategically combine them to stick together like Velcro (otherwise, you won't get wealthy!!). There are an infinite number of ways to become wealthy, but there is only way that will work for you. That's what Expectancy Wealth Planning will show you...

Start now, or test drive five lessons without cost or obligation. The only way you lose is by not trying!

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