Hi Do, Here are Todd’s latest fun picks to take your financial skills to the next level... A reader called me out for what I wrote in the last email...
"Todd, I haven't bought your course or investment solution yet because it seems like all you want to do is sell me."
After twelve months of carefully curating the best resources to try and educate you about epochal change and never charging a dime for that service, that's his response?
My goal is to prepare him (and you, of course) for the structural economic shift that began twelve months ago.
I'm trying to convince you that the downturn you're witnessing is different from everything you've lived through and understand.
Of course, I offer solutions. This is a business, and a good business solves problems for it's customers.
So that subscriber can buy my solutions, or he can buy someone else's. That's his business.
My business is to educate you about epochal change so you can make smart decisions with your money, which is exactly what I've been doing for the past 12 months.
These epochal changes occur rarely. The last one occurred in the 1980's during the transition from Paul Volcker to Alan Greenspan.
They're so rare that I'll probably live through only one more epochal change in my lifetime. Yep, that's pretty rare, which is why most people don't see them in advance.
Most investors logically assume that whatever has occurred throughout your adult lifetime is what will likely occur going forward.
But these rare epochal changes are different. They're inflection points. Game changers.
You have to know when they occur so you can align your investment strategy to the new epoch before it becomes obvious to everyone else. It's critically important to your financial security. - Just imagine knowing in the early 1980's that the greatest bond bull market in history was about to begin, and you had the chance to lock in long-term interest rates in the teens with little downside risk for 40 years. Fortunes were made.
- Just imagine knowing back then that an era of activist Fed policy would create the now infamous "Fed put" placing a floor under bear markets and ushering in a "buy the dip" strategy. Similarly, fortunes were made.
- Just imagine knowing that the stock market was about to begin a multi-decade period of rising valuations to achieve the highest market valuation in recorded history in 2021. You guessed it, fortunes were made for correctly aligning your investment strategy with the financial regime, or epoch.
Few saw the how epoch change back in the early 1980s, and it cost them dearly.
How do I know that for a fact? Because I was promoting my hedge fund to small company executives for their retirement plan back then. Every meeting was the same. "Nice presentation, Todd, but why would we put our money at risk in the markets when we can get government guaranteed interest rates in the teens with CD's?"
It's a laughable response now because you have the benefit of hindsight. They were basing their decisions on the old epoch (exactly as you're doing now), but that epoch was over and they couldn't see it.
And the exact same thing is happening now. The old epoch ended in 2021. it's over. Done. Gone.
And everyone (including you?) is basing their decisions off of their experience from that old epoch.
The new epoch is the reversal (or unwinding) of all that preceded it. It's fundamentally different from everything you know about investing and wealth building.
That's what I'm trying to sell you. And the price I charge is zero - zip - nada - for this knowledge. I'm giving it to you in this newsletter with all the carefully curated education that I'm providing you, and I've been doing it for more than a year.
Yes, I have two solutions for sale (a group coaching program with a wealth building course attached, and an online investment platform software solution for your portfolio) that will help you navigate and prosper in this new epoch.
But you don't have to buy anything from me.
Take action with whatever vendor and educator you think might be useful.
But take action!! That's what I care about.
That's the result I'm trying to sell you. That's the purpose of the last twelve months of educational resources. That's what I care about.
Of course, it would be great if I earned your trust and you became a customer, but I want you to win whether you spend a dime with me, or not.
Those that took action early have saved their retirements by managing risk to control losses. Heck, some of my students are even prospering right now in the face of this adversity. My analysis was correct, and the resources and education I provided worked as claimed.
Which is critically important because the fundamentals driving this epochal change continue to worsen. Yes, there will be cyclical rises and falls in the markets over the next 10+ years, but this epochal change is structural - not cyclical. Don't be deluded by cyclical market moves against the broader trend.
The bad news is that, despite my educational efforts, most of my subscribers (you??) haven't taken action yet: - Roughly 2% of my 40,000 subscribers bought my Expectancy Wealth Planning course. Not bad, but that means 98% are making financial decisions every day without this education. Not good.
- Slightly more than 2% have subscribed to my recommended investment solution, which is a surprisingly low number given the low cost and clear value proposition of improved risk management and more reliable investment returns during this difficult economic environment. These statements aren't just my opinion because I provided you with academic-level, independent, third-party research over the past 12 months proving these claims, and my students have proven this truth from the results they're producing in real time.
So yes, I have two solutions to epochal change for sale when you're ready to take action. If you bought both, you would spend less than $2,000. That's everything I have to sell.
So if you bought everything possible from me, the results of this year alone would have put more money in your pocket than it cost assuming you had $20,000 (or more) at risk in the markets. And you'd have all that knowledge to benefit you for future years.
Of course, most of you have a lot more than $20,000 at risk, which means it only would have put more money in your pocket.
But of course, if you're part of the 98% herd, then you haven't taken action yet, so here's another educational resource to help you make a smarter decision.
This week I'm giving you just one thing. And it's totally different from anything I've given you in the past.
Click this link for immediate access to a recent "office hours" support call inside my private Expectancy Wealth Planning community.
Why should you care? Why bother to listen?
Because you're going to learn about epochal change from those who heard about it long before you and already took action. You're going to learn what they know and what they've experienced... all in their own words in a casual round-robin office hours discussion.
It's one example of the myriad of support services (email course, live weekly office hours, 24/7 private community forum) that makes my Expectancy Wealth Planning master course more of a group coaching program than merely a course.
My motivation for prompting my community with all of these epochal change questions is because I wanted to make sure they knew what to expect and how to manage their finances for the next 10+ years. I'm so surprised by my newsletter subscribers lack of action, that I wanted to make sure nobody in my private community was left behind.
I get that it's normal for investors to be frozen to inaction during the first leg down in a long-term bear market. It's always been that way in history, so maybe I'm unrealistic to expect you to do anything different.
And of course, you've been trained that the market always comes back, so your patiently waiting with discipline for the last 40 years to repeat again.
But I honestly hoped that all the resources I've shared during the past year proving the accuracy of every claim made would have helped you break free of the investment herd and take constructive action.
So I'm trying something different this week. Rather than hear it from Todd, maybe hearing it from your peers in a round-robin discussion will help you in a way that I've been unable to accomplish.
I hope their insights will help you walk the road less traveled. As Robert Frost stated, "... that has made all the difference."
So yeah, I've got something to sell you. I want you to buy the notion that epochal change is real so you can save your retirement and invest with confidence over the next 10+ years while all of this unravels.
The future is extremely bright on the backside of this new epoch. But you have to know how to prosper now to set the foundation for the good times ahead.
The link to the recording is here. No gateway, no registration required. You get instant access on the page you're taken to when you click the link.
I hope it helps you make smart decisions about epochal change. Onward and upward! Todd Tresidder
 Take Action Now So You Can Grow Your Wealth During Epochal Change: -
This investment software solution includes two of Todd's top investment systems. You'll learn the smart, proven way to manage portfolio risk during epochal change. Once you understand it, you'll wonder why you tolerated the unmanaged risk in your old "buy and hold" investment strategy. -
My Expectancy Wealth Planning group coaching program shows you how to maximize the expected growth of your wealth in every market condition regardless of epochal change. My students were prospering during the good times, and they're still prospering during this adversity. Join this smart community of active wealth builders to secure your financial future.