Make your gift to the June member drive now!
John, We’ve seen a lot of national and global political news in the past few weeks, much of it harrowing. We've covered multiple mass shootings. We've investigated all angles of the primary elections and the recall of District Attorney Boudin. And we've dedicated much of the last two weeks to the news coming from January 6 House Select Committee hearings. It can be tough to stay informed and stay on top of the facts. But fortunately, you have KQED to help. The June member drive is coming to an end tomorrow at 7:00 pm. We’ve reduced the number of on-air fundraising breaks in order to provide you with live, special coverage of the January 6 Committee hearings, but we still need your support to reach out goal. Hundreds of your friends and neighbors have already contributed. Can you make your first membership gift before the deadline? This year, we’re celebrating 35 years of all-news all the time on KQED radio. And we hope that you’ll celebrate with us! Make a gift of $35 per month or more and get an awesome logo package with a hoodie, messenger bag and a mystery item! KQED members make our station accessible to everyone in our region. But important, change-making news isn’t free to produce — and we aren’t willing to compromise on quality. Your support today is an investment in the news and information that our communities rely on. It’s always nice to hear when a listener becomes a member. Here’s just one person who recently made their first gift:
“Like many others, I’ve listened to and counted on KQED for many years, and never donated. I appreciate your programming, intelligence, neutrality and diversity of approach. Thank you!” — Kristine Larson |
If you’ve been waiting to start your membership, now is the time! Thank you for everything you do for public media in our region.
| Sincerely, | | Michael J. Isip President & CEO |