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Top 7 Features Windows 11 Copied from macOS

By Sanuj Bhatia on Jul 03, 2021 03:19 pm
Microsoft announced Windows 11 a while back. The new Windows operating system brings a breath of fresh air, with the new blur design language and a lot of exciting features. However, not all the features of Windows 11 are new or ‘unique.’ Microsoft has clearly taken cues from Apple’s macOS for Windows 11. Let’s take a look at the features Microsoft copied from macOS for Windows 11. Continue reading

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Start Your UI Design Journey With Wondershare Mockitt Design Tool

By iPhoneHacks on Jul 03, 2021 02:24 pm
Gone are the days when we used to rely on Adobe Photoshop to create UI/UX design and mockups. It’s 2021, and now we have dedicated UI design software available for Windows and Mac. There are dozens of UI design tools out there. Among them, Wondershare Mockitt stands out for several reasons. Continue reading

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Top Annoying iOS 14 Features Apple Fixed in iOS 15

By Parth Shah on Jul 03, 2021 10:03 am
Apart from headline features such as Hide My Email, Focus Mode, FaceTime improvement, etc., iOS 15 fixes many little annoyances that are found in iOS 14. Here are some of the annoying iOS 14 features Apple fixed in iOS 15 to level up the overall user experience. Continue reading

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