Can the Democrats admit they lost?
Can they stop blaming the election of Trump on THOSE people, continue to refuse to accept any responsibility for his election?
I don't want to talk to one more Democrat who wants to explain away perception. That really, most people are not woke, that trans... This never works, never mind living in a world where facts are secondary to feelings. Remember when Biden tried to convince the public that the economy was good, that didn't work, you can't explain away my shock at grocery store prices with a chart.
This election was a realignment...
You can no longer cancel someone for using the wrong pronouns. You can no longer assume trans women can compete in sports with biological women. You can no longer stake your claim on DEI. That ship has sailed. I'm not saying these are not important issues, they're just not the MAIN issues. Instead of being fearful of offending someone, the Democrats have to unite the troops and march forward.
And so far they are doing nothing of the sort.
If you'd asked me on Sunday, I would have said I was cautiously optimistic. First and foremost, Trump's got to live another four years, and his diet of McDonald's isn't helping his longevity. Also, I felt there was a chance there would be a solid reaction to Trump's policies, bringing politics and our country to the center.
But right now, it looks like we're in for another Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian despot who is a hero to the right, which is quite strange for those of us who still believe in a free America, with checks and balances in government.
As for immigration... I'm for H-1B visas, too many talented technologists have not been able to remain in the U.S. and have taken their innovations elsewhere. It's not a perfect system, but let's focus on the positive, not the negative. Yet the fact is the majority of Americans are upset with illegal immigration and under Biden...more illegals (and we can now call them that again), crossed the border than ever before. How is that a winning strategy, when you can't even enforce the laws?
And enough with the defense of Biden and Kamala. I'm angrier at them right now than I was when they lost in November. No mea culpas, no self-knowledge... Biden pronouncing in "USA Today" that he he still thought he would have beaten Trump is as ludicrous as believing a 58 year old Mike Tyson could beat a 28 year old Jake Paul. Then again, every American thinks they can do everything, so why not? It's one thing to have self-belief, it's quite another to be delusional.
As for Kamala... Enough with the horsesh*t that she ran a perfect campaign. Stephen A. Smith had it right on Bill Maher's "Real Time" last night. Watch it, Smith was a breath of fresh air, explaining why the Democrats lost. He had a better appreciation of the landscape than anybody in the Democratic leadership.
And speaking of the Democratic leadership... WHERE ARE THEY?
Sure, the Dems are behind the 8-ball in D.C., but that never prevented the Republicans from bloviating. The last time we had that spirit in D.C. was with Anthony Weiner, who would take on any Republican, but then he blew himself up.
As for explainer-in-chief Pete Buttigieg... Sure, he knows the facts, but could he raise his damn voice, get emotional, rally the troops?
And forget MSNBC. I tuned in Rachel Maddow on Monday and it was the same as it ever was. Trump bad. Look what he did. Let me give you the history here. SO WHAT??? We know what is going on, who is going to lead us out of this?
This is what the music business used to do best. Put its focus and muscle behind an act and make that performer a star. That paradigm is history in music, but not in politics, which is a zero sum game, there are only so many elected officials.
Newsom blew himself up by going into the lion's den. His debate on Fox with DeSantis... Just made Newsom look bad, if you can't define the rules...
So, here we are.
Reporting coworkers re DEI? Sounds like the old USSR to me. That's not going to get a thumbs-up from most Americans, who believe snitching is one of the worst offenses known to man.
Withdrawing from the Paris climate accords after L.A. just burned up and before that North Carolina flooded and just last week it snowed in New Orleans and Florida?
Withdrawing from the World Health Organization? Forget all the scuttlebutt regarding vaccines, most Americans believe in western science and want a leg up when they get sick. The optics are bad.
As is today's firing of inspectors general. Loyalty is for sports, not for politics. We at least like a patina of independence, lip-service.
Trump is just doing what he said he'd do... But most people didn't want all that. They just didn't want Kamala. And the sooner Democrats accept this...
The Republicans own news television, news podcasts...they seem to own the entire world of communications, while Democrats are fearful of offending someone within their own party, afraid of committing a faux pas.
My inbox is full of the angry and disillusioned.
But too many still have contempt for those who voted for Trump. How in the hell did the Democrats become the party of the elite as opposed to the working man?
And the Democrats keep telling the working man they know better, and no one likes to hear that, ever!
Shawn Fain stood up to Detroit and won. He did not have the baggage of previous union leaders and also realized in a world of economic inequality "union" is no longer a bad word.
Meanwhile, you've got the tech elite...
Did you see Amazon pulled their warehouses from Quebec because of a union effort?
And when TikTok was down for a few hours...influencers went on Instagram Reels...TO HATE ON ZUCKERBERG!
Don't sit on your hands and believe you're powerless. Those who've gone where the wind has blown have no moral character, and that's one thing the public is familiar with, and judges people on. Sure, Elon Musk may still be a hero to his bros on X, but everybody who's grown up, who is on the left side of the political fence, thinks he's a myopic guy on the spectrum who may know science but knows nothing about people.
There's this perception that everybody agrees with what Trump is doing, but this is patently untrue.
And don't expect a celebrity to make a difference. Because those who truly can will not go on record for fear of losing bucks. And movie stars no longer have cred, having been revealed as being two-dimensional, and when your songs are written by can I believe in you?
And Taylor Swift's endorsement meant nothing, how could it, when she's all about money and microaggressions. How many different versions of her album did she release? She had to rerecord her early albums for spite? This sounds more like Trump than someone on the other side of the political fence.
This battle can be fought, not by Oprah, but by someone steeped in politics who refuses to compromise.
As for Chuck Schumer... Chuck Milquetoast.
And Adam Schiff may have his heart in the right place, but he's even wimpier than Schumer.
Where's the show business, where's the grandstanding?
We need someone to believe in, someone to lead us.
But the only people able to do this seem to be on social media, people like Mr. Beast, who all the know-better Democrats pooh-pooh.
And who isn't confounded when the Village People play the inauguration, claiming that "Y.M.C.A" is not a gay anthem? What next, Melissa Etheridge telling Andy Cohen she's straight?
There are so many disaffected citizens who the Democrats could appeal to if they were willing to take a risk and lead.
But they're not.
And that's just sad.
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