Breaking news from Washington and beyond
Trump Tower Doorman Was Paid $30,000 to Hide Story of Trump’s Out of Wedlock Child, Manhattan DA Says
Well, this was unexpected.
by Prem Thakker
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The former president is facing 34 counts.
by Tori Otten
The former president surrendered to arrest for criminal charges.
by Prem Thakker
Trump fans are not showing up for the former president ahead of his indictment.
by Prem Thakker
Sure, a hush-money payment to cover up an alleged extramarital affair is exactly what Jesus would do.
by Tori Otten
The Georgia congresswoman comes up with something new every day, apparently.
by Tori Otten
Before this, Lafferty was perhaps best known for defending the three-fifths compromise. And the lawmaker he seems to have assaulted is Black.
by Prem Thakker
Florida is moving to ban abortion at just six weeks, before many people even realize they are pregnant.
by Tori Otten
The Democrats have already been stripped of their committee assignments.
by Prem Thakker

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