Do you know what the one question is, John, that we hear the most from those who've made big dreams come true? You know, once the floodgates burst open, torrents are unleashed, and they're swimming in laughter, friendships, and dinero? In the very same moments that it seems the entire world is beating a path to their door with more love, appreciation, and opportunities than they've ever known?

"What on earth did I ever do to deserve so much?"

And we're usually, like, "Dude, you visualized."

   The Universe
John, let me tell you what your future self wants you to know...

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
John, avalanches of joy, cascading abundance, impeccable health, and savory romances simply ain't no thang when you think what you know to think, say what you know to say, and do what you know to do. Not for us, anyway.
Don't worry about money...