We’ve come a long way

Free Press


Free Press turned 20 on Aug. 14, 2023 — marking two decades of our fight to transform our media system.

None of our accomplishments would have been possible without dedicated supporters like YOU who share our commitment to creating a world where people have the information and opportunities they need to tell their own stories, hold leaders accountable and participate in our democracy.

So, as we celebrate a monumental year, we have put together a timeline of our work over our first two decades — a timeline that is only scratching the surface of our big moments. Take a look:

In the years ahead, we’ll be working to create new big moments, those sparks and flashpoints that awaken people — many, many more people — to new possibilities.

That’s why we’re excited to announce that a generous donor is offering to MATCH every donation, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $50,000 by Dec. 31. Now is a great time to give $20 — or any amount — because your donation will be DOUBLED and help sustain the next 20 years of Free Press.

Thank you so much for all you've done — and continue to do — to make our mission possible.

The Free Press team

P.S. 20. Years. Of. Free. Press. Can you believe it?! Help Free Press keep fighting for the next 20 years: Donate today and a generous donor will match your gift.

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