Type-2 Diabetes is Easy to Cure
with Our 12-Day McDougall Program

“Great news! Lowest numbers again! For those who don’t know me, December last year, I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes with an A1c of 14!  My daily glucose readings average between 140 to 190. I declined taking the prescribed medication of Metformin. Instead, my wife and I went on a plant based diet starting January. By August, my A1c dropped to 9.2! Pretty amazing result.

My wife and I then attended Dr. McDougall’s inaugural online program. On the 7th day of the program, I recorded my first low glucose level of 117! Within days of joining, I saw my glucose level go down below 120! Pretty amazing!

Three weeks later, I am still seeing my glucose readings continue to go down even further. This week, I recorded 105 and 106 on two separate days. I am definitely looking forward to how my next A1c will be. As you can tell, I am very excited to share this. Staying on the program yields results like this. Thanks everyone. I hope all of you are seeing great results too!”    -Joseph

The bulk of the medical community, including your current physician, readily accepts the findings that the majority of patients with type-2 diabetes are “cured” after painful and costly bariatric (obesity) surgery. (The average bariatric surgery costs $17,000 to $26,000 and the benefits are almost entirely from weight loss). You should know that the most effective way to lose weight permanently is by eating to the full satisfaction of your appetite with McDougall-recommended foods. The market for this kind of medical care is huge with more than 10% of people in the US suffering from diabetes, and half of the entire population are considered to be “pre-diabetic.” This statistic is not surprising considering that nearly 80% of people living in the modern world are overweight or obese. After 34 years of caring for thousands of patients, we can claim we have cured patients of their type-2 diabetes with adherence to eating what we recommend on the McDougall program.

It’s the Food!

Consumption of meat, dairy and oils not only causes uncontrollable weight gain but also paralyzes the activity of your own body’s insulin, causing your blood sugar to rise. Underlying malfunctions in your metabolism are corrected by replacing unpalatable fats and oils (also known as “grease”) with healthy carbohydrates you already love, but may be afraid to eat, like corn, rice and potatoes. The McDougall Program contains no cholesterol; thus, preventing the most common causes of death and disability, such as heart attacks and strokes.

Everything you need to obtain these outstanding results are available, for free, here on our website drmcdougall.com. Although we provide the information you need on our website, we know from experience that the extra attention and in-depth learning people receive from our online course helps them feel better in a matter of days, reverse chronic illness like type-2 diabetes and regain their lost health like Joseph, a recent course graduate. Learn more about our next 12-Day McDougall Program and start to regain your lost health and appearance.

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Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation

In honor of National Diabetes Awareness Month, McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion book is available for free. This book includes vital information that everyone needs to know to be healthy for life. Please share with your friends and family.

Download for Free
There is Still Time to Join the Live Lecture Series! 

In this comprehensive lecture series, John McDougall, MD, will empower you with the knowledge of how a whole food, starch-based diet is successful for alleviating the pain of chronic diseases and living the life you deserve.


  • The scientific facts about how much protein, fats, sugar and vitamins our body needs for optimal health

  • How osteoporosis is caused by excess protein and how to reverse it naturally

  • How fats and oils affect our heart health and clearing up the confusion around this hot topic

  • The truth behind sugar and diabetes

  • The health benefits of eating starch

  • The best sources of B12 and vitamin D

Join us on November 19, December 3 and/or December 17, 2022. Each session is an online, half-day event starting at 10 AM Pacific. If you are unable to join us live, this series will be available to view after the final lecture and yours to own forever with the purchase of the full series. The reference slides will also be made available. 

Attendance is limited allowing for plenty of time to answer your questions.

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Replay Weekend is Here!

The 2022 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit is winding down, but they just announced a free surprise replay weekend from midnight Friday until Sunday night! 

Right now, you can learn from John McDougall, MD and 21 world-renowned experts all at the click of a button, but you only have 48 hours to do it!

Don’t miss out on the groundbreaking insights that are going to be shared to help you prevent and reverse diabetes, lower your blood sugar, and lose weight permanently.

These talks are packed full of powerful insights including:   

  • Simple strategies to lower your blood sugar – plus more insulin resistance reversal secrets you won’t hear about from your doctor!

  • Breakthrough ways to prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes

  • How to create sustainable habits that will last the rest of your life

It’s an amazing chance to learn from 22 of the most trusted health experts on the planet, and two hosts with more than 40 years of combined experience living with type 1 diabetes. 

It’s not too late to join – so register today and get your free replay of the revolution. 

Join the free 2022 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit in the next 48 hours, and discover the power of excellent metabolic health for yourself.

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Join the McDougalls every Sunday at 5 PM PT for a talk on a hot topic and get your questions answered by the experts. Questions can be submitted during Sunday’s livestream or submitted ahead of time to office@drmcdougall.com.
Watch for Free

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