When is the next UAE holiday, how Dubai became the ‘world’s airport’, weather forecasts, Dubai real estate analysis, Schengen-style visas around the world and more top news stories this week

Dubai real estate investors will spend record amounts on property this summer, according to W Capital forecasts

UAE summer official begins and temperatures climb to a year-high 49.9 degrees

CBUAE expects significant GDP growth in 2025 as energy sector forecasts expansion

Saudi Arabia tax authorities have urged businesses to submit returns soon or face fines.

Bahrain has secured a record $6.8 billion FDI inflows in 2023, according to latrest UNCTAD report

Mubadala Capital and SailGP acquire a newly formed SailGP Team to represent Brazil

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority announces reservoir plan as it looks to protect water supply from emergencies

Three falsified batches found in Brazil, the United Kingdom and the United States towards the end of last year

Dubai Residency also received flights carrying pilgrims returning from Hajj, including members of the Dubai government

Abu Dhabi first hosted WSX last season and attracted global crowds for one of the most thrilling events of 2023

Fortunately, the UAE’s legal system has some safeguards in place to protect buyers’ rights in such scenarios – here’s everything you need to know

The tourism plan, “Saudi Summer is Next Door,” looks to boost tourism in the Kingdom this summer with over 150 tourism options

In an X post, the Emirates Astonomical Society revealed that the solstice occurred at June 20 at 20:51 GMT, the earliest since 1796 for most world regions

Dubai real estate investors around the world can enter property ownership schemes as innovative platform Stake joins Land Department initiative

Abu Dhabi’s ban on unlicensed social media influencer adverts to begin on July 1

Sustainable development is no longer a choice, but a necessity

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