The survey of UAE residents found that 69 percent chose London as their first choice among a list of ten global capital cities when considering investing in residential property abroad

Open only to Professional Investors; a higher free float is expected to provide a pathway towards inclusion in the MSCI Emerging Market Index

Avianca, the largest airline in Colombia, will place its code on routes operated by Emirates, between Barcelona, Madrid or London Heathrow and Dubai

Rental growth across micro-markets was recorded at 1% quarter-on-quarter, with select prime locations seeing a 7% rise year-on-year

Fintech startups are investing heavily to attract top talent from global financial powerhouses including Citibank, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered and FICO to develop their new-gen products to help banks and financial institutions to go truly ‘glocal’

Fifth Wall and several other investors also participated in the latest round of investment, which notched up the startup’s valuation much higher than its first round in 2022

With the UAE e-commerce market projected to reach $46 billion by 2027, Worldpay’s advanced acquiring capabilities enable merchants to offer fast, secure, and convenient payment solutions to their customers

Qatar bans international travel without first settling outstanding traffic fines

UAE travel agent dnata announces top destinations and deals for summer 2024 holidays

The UAE’s national carrier Etihad is on course for remarkable growth under new leadership, with talk of an IPO. For new CEO Antonoaldo Neves, the strategy looks set to take the airline to new heights

Gen Z in the UAE and Saudi Arabia are uncomfortable according to older colleagues. Find out how cross-generational communication is essential to business

A majority agrees that a brand snub pushes companies to take corrective action

At LGT, we view philanthropy as an impactful avenue for societal and environmental betterment

If you are to be a leader of one or more people who you do not know and possibly even have never met in person, then how should this affect your leadership style?

In every business, the more information you have about your customer, the better your relationship is with them and the more value you can generate from it

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