Successful teamwork starts with trusting your team members and recognizing the validity of their viewpoints, writes Robin Reshwan. Make sure you show emotional intelligence in your dealings with team members and have a good attitude. U.S. News & World Report (12/19) Unlock your confidence with these handy tips You can project confidence by practicing good posture and showing interest in the activities of others, writes Christina DesMarais. Practice speaking in public and avoid negative self-talk that can make you second-guess yourself. Inc. online (free registration) (12/13)
Customize Your Penn State MBA, Then Earn it Online Penn State's Online MBA, led by internationally ranked Smeal College of Business, now has even more flexibility. With two tracks available, you can complete your MBA in 24 or 30 months, with an option to extend. Plus you can customize your degree with one of several concentrations. Get Started.
Making the Connection
Why your resume can benefit from online resume builders Online resume builders can save you time and provide all the customization options you need to tweak your resume for new job opportunities, writes Amanda Clark. Since online resume builders carry no out-of-pocket costs, you'll be able to save some money while conducting your job search. Business 2 Community (12/20)
Embrace Disruptive Innovation Traditional business is constantly being impacted by overwhelming and sudden shifts in the marketplace. This new normal is "disruptive innovation". Read this white paper to learn what disruptive innovation is and how your company can use cloud ERP to stay in the game. Download the white paper >
The Landscape
2016 workplace trends include more wellness, paid leave Among Fast Company's top five workplace trends for 2016 are an uptick in companies offering more paid leave benefits and greater emphasis on wellness programs. Some companies added genetic testing benefits in hopes employees will act on information about their disease risk, saving on future medical expenses. Fast Company online (12/20)
Get with the flow. How payment processing affects cash flow. Cash flow is the lubricant of business. Without a healthy cash flow, business dries up. It stops. It can't function. Which is why it is vital to keep the revenues coming in as the expenses go out. But there's one aspect of cash flow that many of us are not aware of. It is how managing credit cards and other such non-cash payments affect cash flow. Turns out it has a huge affect. Download the free guide today.
SmartBrief Originals
Original news, insights, analysis and best practices from
Be careful when improvising during interviews Improvising during interviews can be a good move, but you may also end up telling unrelated stories that don't fully answer the interviewer's questions, writes Richard Moy. You also have to be careful about oversharing and venting about past experiences while speaking. (12/20)
Balancing Yourself
How flexibility can help women achieve work-life balance Many women are managing daily schedules jam-packed with both personal and professional responsibilities, and the need to make a long commute can exacerbate the issue, writes Sharon Florentine. More flexible working conditions can help to address this problem, she writes. (12/15)
The Water Cooler
Is your boss hurting your health? Working for a bad boss can actually increase your likelihood of suffering a heart attack, according to Swedish researchers. A boss who doesn't provide you with the information you need, praise for your successes or the power to handle your responsibilities may negatively affect your health, writes Kevin Kruse. Forbes (12/19)
I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed, and had done the very best you could.
Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady, diplomat and activist