"Their business model is committing felonies... You're gonna kill so many people per dose, we can still make more money, even if they all sue us."
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| "Their business model is committing felonies... You're gonna kill so many people per dose, we can still make more money, even if they all sue us." | |
| These ones are really good... | |
| Big Pharma really doesn't want you to know about this... | |
| Dr. Zelenko has done it again with Z-Dtox. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s groundbreaking work on the immune system has led to this exciting breakthrough. | |
| “The raw footage, I mean, it shows these kids – they look like they’re unconscious. And I mean, like I said, it looks like from afar they look like they’re a corpse..." | |
| Suddenly, a black male clad in a style reminiscent of the Black Panthers enters the frame... There are zero visual examples provided by the ADL and internet searches for such also rendered zero results... | |