Transportation asset management plans (TAMPs) describe how agencies manage and invest in infrastructure assets from construction through replacement or decommissioning. There are many practical barriers that keep agencies from effectively incorporating maintenance actions and cost into their TAMPs. This webinar will provide an overview of the framework and include practical examples from state highway agencies. Related TRB Publication: A Guide to Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan (NCHRP Research Report 1076)
Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) are potentially economically and environmentally advantageous materials in some applications and will promote preservation of raw material resources. This webinar will focus on aggregate optimization for concrete mix designs as well as RAP and RCA applications and how each impacts sustainability of aggregates It is a followup to the 2023 TRB webinar Aggregate Sustainability—Production.
People experiencing homelessness have been increasingly seeking shelter at airports due to a significant increase in homelessness and airports’ relative safety, transit accessibility, climate-controlled shelter, and access to food and amenities. This webinar will explore effective strategies and recommended practices to foster collaboration between airports and local communities, ensuring the welfare of individuals experiencing homelessness while safeguarding the operational efficiency and security of airport operations. Related TRB Publication: Strategies to Address Homelessness at Airports (ACRP Research Report 254)
Collaboration and public engagement are paramount to successful transportation projects, and transformational partnerships have the potential to increase positive transportation outcomes. Beyond Community Participation Plans, transportation practitioners can develop deeper community relationships to improve local well-being and make transportation investments more impactful. This webinar aims to advance the state of the practice in partnership development with traditional and nontraditional partners, including developing relationships with community-based organizations that represent underserved constituents participating in transportation planning and projects.
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