Dear friends, Last Thursday we were informed by the property management company that Makerspace North is being evicted from the City Centre complex. This means that all tenants, including the OTL, must be gone by December 9th.We’ve always paid our rent and bills promptly and – despite the current challengeseveryone is facing – our financials are sound,and our lending, workshops and other activities were already growing.The OTL was already in search of a new home – but so far, we’ve been unsuccessful. Suspending Lending, Continuing Workshops & Webstore Asof today, we will no longer be lending tools as we pack up our tools and space. If you still have borrowed tools, we ask that you return them by Wednesday, December 2nd. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience – however,we’ve not been given a choice and so far our appeals for a reprieve from the property management company have been denied. We know that many of you are in the middle of projects or making gifts for the holidays, and suspending loans is the last thing we want to do. Once we’ve resumed our operations, we will credit your membership for whatever time we were shut down.In the interim, we will continue some of our operations, including our workshops and OTL Tinkering School sessions, and to operate our webstore to sell OTL merchandise and used tools. We promise to keep everyone informed about what’s happening through our newsletter, website, and social media. Space Search: Connecting or Co-Locating We’re committed to lending tools, sharing skills, and building community in Ottawa. But we are now urgently looking for a new space to re-home our operations. We intend to remain central and accessible to our members, friends and neighbours who have all helped us attain our success so far.We are confident that there’s 1,200 SF+of heated industrial/warehouse space somewhere in Ottawa perfect for a sharing and community hub like OTL. We’re also interested in co-locating with other non-profits in the right space. We continue to explore numerous options, but so far nothing has been the right fit. The power of the OTL has always been sharing and the community spirit of our members, volunteers, and supporters. We need everyone to engage their city councillors, local businesses, and community leadersto spread the word that we’re looking for a home.Tell those who are able to help that we need a coalition of visionaries to relocate the hub of our fantastic community. Tell them that the people of Ottawa deserve access to affordable tools, advice, and skills to adapt their spaces and lives to the pandemic and the future. How to Help: Packing, Moving & More Wherever we land, we will need to move (at least once, if not more). The OTL is mobilizing to meet the December 9th deadline. Many hands make light work, but the pandemic will alter how we do it.If you’re interested in volunteering to pack and move, please sign up on our websiteto volunteer. We’ll send messages in the coming days regarding how to sign up for shifts on SignUp to keep numbers manageable to follow public health directives. We value our volunteers and intend to keep everyone safe. We’re also looking to connect with folks who might be willing to provide in-kind donations of a transport truck or large commercial storage. Plus we’re looking for those large, stackable storage bins– especially the blue Rubbermaid ones – as we try to keep our packing somewhat uniform. Finally, those looking to help financially can make a monetary donation or buy or renew a membership(for when we reopen) via our website. While the OTL remains viable and sustainable, this sudden move will impose additional costs, affect our revenues, and further strain our finances.We can’t provide tax receipts, but you should know that every dollar goes to our move and providing services to members and our community. We’re sorry to have to share such unfortunate news, and that it’s so abrupt. If you have ideas or contacts to share, please let us know. And thank you for your continued patience, support, and encouragement as we begin writing the next chapter for the OTL. Sincerely, Bettina & the OTL Team |