Dear voornaam,

Case ID: #

This is Mellany – Public Relations.

This email DOES NOT confirm your eligibility to apply for a Permanent Residency Visa (PR Visa) to Canada.

I would like to note that in order to confirm your eligibility, we will need to look at your overall profile.

At the moment, we have the following information that you left on our website, which is not enough for an evaluation.

First Name: voornaam
Last Name: achternaam
Birth Country: Netherlands
Occupation: -unspecified-

While applying for a Canadian PR Visa, you are given points for your age, education, work experience, and other criteria. That is why this information MUST be accurate and up-to-date.

The PR Visa is granted only to limited qualified candidates that also submit their application to the “pool” of applicants on time.

That means that you could be eligible and have a very high chance to be “pulled” out of the pool of other candidates, but if you don’t make it on time, during the “window” of application submission, then you would just lose that opportunity.

Therefore, it is not only important to understand if you are eligible, but also to submit your application on time.


Mellany Bisset
Public Relations
Canadian Visa Professionals
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