Dear John, We're nearing Lent, and I can already sense the feelings of withdrawing, pulling back, and looking within. With Ash Wednesday a week away, introspective moods seem to be descending on me more lately. I was in one of those moods when I read Carol Ann Morrow's entry for Pause+Pray today. Afterward, I realized that the grudges, resentments, and disappointments to which I've been so desperately clinging need to be swept away like so much dust and dirt during spring cleaning. And Lent is like spring cleaning for our souls. Carol Ann encourages us to think and reflect on the notion that our enemies could someday be happy and blessed, that they could even become saints in heaven. In fact, they should be, and we should hope for so much. If we would but free them from the stranglehold of our resentment, their wings might grow just a little faster and healthier. But it's a real challenge, and we definitely need God's help with this lift. Sometime before Ash Wednesday, I hope you join me in having an introspective mood, one that doesn't merely dwell on grudges and sour, but one that leads to fruitful realizations and perhaps even epiphanies. If you enjoy this newsletter, would you help us customize our resources to suit your needs better by donating to Rebuilding God's Church? We are humbled and honored to create media that hopefully accompanies you on your spiritual journey. Peace and all good! Daniel Imwalle Managing Editor St. Anthony Messenger | Saint of the Day for February 26: Maria Bertilla Boscardin (October 6, 1888 – October 20, 1922) Listen to Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin’s Story Here If anyone knew rejection, ridicule and disappointment, it was today’s saint. But such trials only brought Maria Bertilla Boscardin closer to God and more determined to serve him. Born in Italy in 1888, the young girl lived in fear of her father, a violent man prone to jealousy and drunkenness. Her schooling was limited so that she could spend more time helping at home and working in the fields. She showed few talents and was often the butt of jokes. In 1904, she joined the Sisters of Saint Dorothy and was assigned to work in the kitchen, bakery and laundry. After some time Maria received nurses’ training and began working with children suffering from diphtheria. There the young nun seemed to find her true vocation: nursing very ill and disturbed children. Later, when the hospital was taken over by the military in World War I, Sister Maria Bertilla fearlessly cared for patients amidst the threat of constant air raids and bombings. She died in 1922 after suffering for many years from a painful tumor. Some of the patients she had nursed many years before were present at her canonization in 1961. Reflection This fairly recent saint knew the hardships of living in an abusive situation. Let us pray to her to help all those who are suffering from any form of spiritual, mental, or physical abuse.
| Intentional Discipleship The truth is, no matter the depth of any faith or trust in God, we betray one another and are betrayed. It adds up, and we shut down, crossing our arms tightly in self-protection. Betrayal is one of the hardest things to experience. Gazing upon the cross of San Damiano, Francis saw the risen Christ who transcended it. Holding doves, Francis offers a gentle possibility: “Praised be you, my Lord God, with all your creatures.” Hurt hearts can heal. We can strengthen the wings of hope, no matter where we are on our journey. It was all one for Francis. He barreled ahead with an unfailing love, like a wind that still lifts those of us who are broken. For me, the way that St. Francis kept his arms open to all life, and accepted death within this embrace, is the most extraordinary aspect of his continual gift to us. This “holy fool” took it head-on, with the same wholehearted exuberance: “Praised be you, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, from whom no one living can escape.” To praise God through death! Not protesting it, or arguing with it, as if outrage or denial could change the course of its coming. —from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “St. Francis and the Gift of Love“ by Maureen O’Brien | Make this Lent a season of transformation. Let St. Anthony Messenger be your guide! Join now and receive an exclusive bonus Subscribe today and get TWO FREE ISSUES! (available for a limited time!) | Addressing Old Wounds Reflect A stray reminder can lead us to relive a long-ago injury—one received, one given. It is humbling to recall that we acted or reacted in anger, with ugliness—that we even hold a grudging memory today. Pray When you walked the earth, Friend Jesus, you reached out in kindness, even to those whose intentions were to harm your reputation or your very body. Not me. I have turned my back, I have spoken poison, I have spread bad news, at times untrue. You remember it all and time means nothing to you. Reach back, reach forward, reach in, reach out. Close the wounds. Lighten the scars. Erase the darkness. Your forgiveness eclipses my small efforts. Bless my enemies. May they be numbered among the saints. Act I will try to picture one enemy vividly. I will see that person happy and blessed. Let it be so. Today's Pause+Pray was written by Carol Ann Morrow. Learn more here! | Thank you for reading! If you wish to donate, please click the button below. | |