Hi there, At Healthline, we’re proud to create experiences that help you make the very best health decisions. While providing this service, we want you to know that it's our goal to rigorously protect your privacy, and also be transparent with how your personal data is used and with whom it's shared. As international standards on data privacy evolve, we’re updating our privacy policy to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the sweeping EU data privacy law that goes into effect May 25, 2018. There’s nothing you need to do right now. On future visits to Healthline, you’ll have the opportunity to provide your consent for a variety of activities that will allow us to deliver a compelling user experience and support our business. These are all described in our updated privacy policy. Separately, if you’d like to adjust your Healthline newsletter preferences, you can click here. Thanks for having us in your inbox — and along on your pursuit of health and well-being. Kindly, The Healthline Newsletter Team |