Dear John, Autumn morning ritual: Wake, stretch, walk to window and behold. This time of year, the maple trees that line our driveway put on the most spectacular show. Each day the turning unfolds, culminating in a blaze of color before they bid their farewell for another year. Here’s a peek at last week’s display: We planted these trees nearly fifteen years ago and when autumn comes and the transformation begins, the sugar maples remind me to stop and appreciate the remaining seasons of my life. In this way, trees serve as stewards of mortality and while I’ll admit to some sadness when I consider my existential limitations, I can’t think of anything better to leave behind than a legacy of beauty. Please enjoy your day. ❤️ Love, Cheryl P.S. –My new audiobook, Self Care for the Wisdom Years, is now available from Sounds True. You can find it, here. Need a little Divine Direction? Use the “Touch of Grace” button at the bottom of our homepage here. |