Dear John, Earlier this week, I was having a conversation with a client who asked how my holidays were going so far. I thought for a moment and off the top of my head replied: The quality of my holidays is always dependent on what’s happening in my life at the time. This year it’s all about simple and quiet. For some reason, my response surprised me. It surprised my client, too. “That statement really sums up the best way to approach the holidays, doesn’t it?” he responded. “Rather than having all these expectations based on our history, other people, or on traditions, it makes sense to adjust our holiday plans based on what’s happening in our lives right now.” Sounds obvious, but it’s a perspective that’s often overlooked. “Deal with the life unfolding before you” has been my mantra for the last couple of years and there’s no better time to use it than during the holidays. Whether you’re feeling happy and social, sad and more withdrawn, fed up and exhausted, or ready to simply ride this one out, remember to let life lead. As we enter into the last days of 2022, you get to decide the version of the holidays that will serve you and your family best. I’m spending the holidays in search of those moments that open the heart with wonder and delight. Here’s one from yesterday afternoon: Pretty hard to feel anything but joy when looking at those little faces. May your holidays be exactly what you need most 💝. Love, Cheryl P.S. –My new audiobook, Self Care for the Wisdom Years, is now available from Sounds True. You can find it, here. Need a little Divine Direction? Use the “Touch of Grace” button at the bottom of our homepage here. |