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The GreenMedInfo Daily Newsletter

July 25, 2020


The Answer to Cancer Docuseries

Never before has truthful information on natural and integrative approaches to cancer treatment been more needed. Get access to this docuseries -- the information you will not find anywhere else! The Event Goes Live August 4th-13th.



The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D'état With Patrick Wood

In this interview, Spiro is joined by Patrick Wood who is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy.

Spiro and Patrick Wood discuss what is technocracy, who are the technocrats and what is their agenda. Watch Video

We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History

Back in March, international best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus scare as a hoax. Here he analyses the coronavirus hoax from its beginning and shows how governments have lied and endangered millions of lives. Dr Coleman proves that the response of governments has killed far more people than the coronavirus. Watch Video


5G Radiation Linked To Coronavirus Infection, New Study Suggests

A new paper published in the Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents posits there may be a unique, causally connected relationship between 5G millimeter wave exposure and coronavirus. Read Article

Covid-19: Phase 1 of the "Permanent Crisis"?

Let's assume that the events of the last five months are neither random nor unexpected. Let's say they're part of an ingenious plan to transform American democracy into a lockdown police state controlled by criminal elites and their puppet governors. Read Article

How to Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree. Read Article

Instagram Threatens to Delete GreenMedInfo.com AGAIN - Why?

For the third time, Instagram threatened to delete the account of GreenMedInfo.com for posting content that questions the dominant narrative around the coronavirus crisis. Is this justified? Why are they trying so hard to censor our information? Read Article


We are 100% Independent, and Need Your Support Now More Than Ever! 

GreenMedInfo.com is the internet's largest, open access, 100% evidence-based, natural medicine database and is entirely supported by you. We have chosen not to have advertisements on our website, nor accepted corporate or private funding, because we believe that if we are meant to exist, it's because of your independent support. 

Without our members and supporters, we would not be able to continue to provide expertly curated, up to the minute research on the science supporting natural healing. Nor could we continue to report truthfully on current events, which have a direct impact on your life, health, and well-being. 

Your donation is greatly appreciated and will contribute to keeping this project alive and well. If you prefer becoming a member, we'd love that as well!

Show Your Support Here

Have You Read or Listened to REGENERATE Yet?

Sayer Ji's REGENERATE is an international best-seller, to be released this year in 8 additional languages. Called a "Revolution" by Dr. Northrup, you can read or listen to it on Audible now! 
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We hope you enjoy the products and events we carefully review and share with you. Some organizations may choose to support our mission by providing a portion of sales to GreenMedInfo. We thank them for their support and thank you for yours too!


Pique Teas - Sun Goddess Matcha

Matcha provides calm energy, enhanced focus and clarity. It also provides immune and heart health support amongst many other benefits. Pique’s Sun Goddess Matcha is the PUREST Ceremonial Grade matcha. It is the FIRST matcha to Quadruple Toxin Screen for heavy metals, fluoride, pesticides, toxic mold, and radioactive isotopes.

As a GreenMedInfo reader, Pique is offering you 8% off + FREE SHIPPING on their Sun Goddess Matcha bundles!




Little-Known, Life-Changing Summit

What happens when the world’s top longevity and anti-aging experts -- each from different areas of expertise -- are challenged to reveal their 3 MOST powerful secrets? There’s a TON of health info out there. And so much of it is the same tired advice repeated over and over. Watch Now


Toxic Mold Summit

The unrecognized consequences of mold toxicity can create hormonal imbalances, brain disrepair, chronic gastrointestinal issues and multiple autoimmune conditions — join us and learn to identify and treat exposure. Don’t miss this summit from August 17-23Register Now

Healing Chronic Stress & Disease

Millions of people around the world are lacking the energy and vitality they once had, and are feeling more lonely, desperate and spiritually disconnected than ever. There is good news: you can tap into the wisdom of your own body and mind to find the answer to renewed connectedness, health and energy! Don’t miss this event from August 10-16Register Now

Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Lyme disease has over 150 different possible symptoms. If not properly treated, over time it becomes chronic and can manifest in autoimmunity or a number of other degenerative, debilitating health issues. Don’t miss The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 4 from July 27 – August 2Register Now



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