Plus more JavaScript links, tutorials, and projects.
📚 Tutorials, Opinions and Stories |
What The Fork is a Closure? — A sanitized fork of a new project from React’s Dan Abramov that sets out to explain what different development concepts mean, and he has started with closures. Dan Abramov |
How To Create a GitHub Profile README — Did you know you can now create a document that’s shown on your main GitHub profile page? It’s not JavaScript specific but I imagine a lot of you would find this neat to do! Monica Powell |
Generating UUIDs at Scale on the Web — Can you trust every browser to generate globally unique identifiers at scale? Apparently yes. This sounds boring but the technicalities are more interesting than you’d initially think! Matthieu Wipliez |
Building SVG Components in React — When building responsive web apps it makes nothing but sense to use SVG as opposed to more traditional image formats. SVG stores an XML-based description of the image which can be progammatically manipulated similar to HTML. It’s tailor made to be incorporated into components. Maciek Sakrejda |
Type Safe JavaScript with JSDoc — If TypeScript just isn’t your cup of tea but you see the value in types, what can you do? Remy reminds us of a popular post from 2018 with a JSDoc-based approach. Remy Sharp |
React Native 0.63 Released — The latest version of React Native ships with LogBox, a totally new way to monitor errors and warnings raised in development. Mike Grabowski |
xmlbuilder2: An XML Builder Library — Convert JS objects into XML, parse and serialize XML documents, or create XML documents using chained function calls. Aimed at Node but can be used in the browser too. Ozgur Ozcitak | |