NWC Update
Network Computing
March 23, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
What is Day 2 Network Operations and Why Do You Need It?
Now is the time for enterprises to take a deep hard look at how network operations is being executed and start looking into how automation can help.

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Are Network Operations Teams the Unsung Heroes of Security?
With IT teams overworked and understaffed, enterprises must embrace automation to ensure efficient and secure network operations.
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Stop Building Networks: It’s Time for Networking-as-a-Service
Networking-as-a-Service is the logical outcome of moving to the cloud and is a perfect match for today's anything-as-a-service economy.
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Understanding the Role of Digital Twins in Networking
Whether one is a telecom engineer or works in an enterprise, digital twins will eventually be the way managing a network is done.
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  • ITSM Guide to Evaluation and Selection

    Is your ITSM ready for a refresh? While many organizations choose to continue to manage their IT Service Desk using rudimentary ticketing platforms, there are benefits to upgrading. The good news is, it's never too late to refresh, and you ...

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Why SASE Shouldn’t Be Siloed
Hybrid networks aren’t going away, and by implementing an integrated SASE architecture, organizations can extend the convergence of networking and security from the edge to remote users. Read More
Is This the Age of the Network Para-Professional?
With more networks being distributed to the edge and installed remotely to support IoT, there is an emerging need for non-IT workers to locally maintain and supervise these networks. Read More
Enterprise Broadband Expansion: Follow the Money
Will enterprise broadband options improve due to government-subsidized infrastructure buildouts? Read More
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