Meet Camilla Parker Bowles, unscripted. In celebration of her upcoming 75th birthday, the Duchess of Cornwall spoke to British Vogue about work, life and marriage in a rare interview. On how she navigates her busy work schedule while maintaining her relationship with Prince Charles, Camilla said, "It's not easy sometimes, but we do always try to have a point in the day when we meet." The royal added, "sometimes it's like ships passing in the night, but we always sit down together and have a cup of tea and discuss the day." Revealing what she and Charles like to do when they are together, Camilla said, "You know when we go away, the nicest thing is that we actually sit and read our books in different corners of the same room," she explained. "It's very relaxing because you know you don't have to make conversation. You just sit and be together." Click 'read more' to see what else Camilla had to say. |