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6 jaren geleden
"What a wonderful, empowering conversation! I’ve been talking about it since." - ELA Coordinator, August 2018
Classroom Connections Resources + Workshops + Art for ALL Educators
Happy new year! I know your to-do list is long, so I'll make this short...The 2018-2019 menu of workshops is set for evenings and weekends. I'd love to see you in the galleries!Whose stories get told? By whom? Between Worlds: The Art of Bill Traylor will challenge us to consider history's hidden stories. Exhibit and teacher resource available this Fall.I remain your resource! PLEASE send me an email ( if you'd like suggestions on artworks or activities to incorporate into your curriculum.With my very best, Elizabeth DD
Write, Play, Navigate: Art Across the Curriculum Power-up your storytelling, spark your creative spirit, and ignite inquiry! Multiple workshops will engage and equip you with easy-to-implement, thought-provoking arts integration strategies.
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