August 24, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

I usually perk up my ears when Dan Ferris has a new teaser pitch out for his Extreme Value newsletter, if only because I can be pretty sure it will be different from the "hyper growth" ideas pitched by other folks most of the time -- but he does promise that this "value" stock he likes gives you a "low-risk shot at 1,550%" and is part of the "best business in the world."  So what's the stock, and does it ring our bell here at Stock Gumshoe?  Just click below to...

On that day, the results of the largest 5G spectrum auction in American history are expected to be revealed.

Billions of dollars will gush into 5G networks... with many more billions to follow.

And one company has the cornerstone technology that could help make the 5G revolution possible.

September 8 is the big day.

Get the details now.


The most-requested teaser solution this week was the "Forever Memory" pitch from Alex Koyfman, if you missed that one just click here for the story.

We started the week looking for that miraculous white powder being teased by the NICI folks... so what's the "tiny $4 company" hinted at by Danny Brody's Cannabis Inner Circle that makes the stuff?  Thinkolator answers here.

Chris Wood teased us about a company with a solution for the fact that "Moore's Law is dead in the water" ... with a patented way to speed up chips.  My story on that is here.

Michael Jorrin popped in with another Doc Gumshoe update for us, this time sharing some thoughts on new health care guidance that's emerging for cardiac disease, diet, diabetes and more -- click here for that.

Finally, I wrapped things up with the Friday File.  This week I muse some on the risks of high-valued stocks in general, catch up on quarterly reports from GAN, NVIDIA and others, and add a couple new speculations to the Real Money Portfolio.  The full story, as always, is just a click away...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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