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Stock Gumshoe Daily Update

July 12, 2016

Greetings, Gumshoe readers! 
Please click here for today's new article.

Miss me?  I've been off celebrating a marriage milestone, so between that and training for my big bike ride next month I somehow missed sending anything to you, my favorite readers, on Monday. Hopefully you didn't miss me too terribly -- after all, the market's setting new highs again this week, which has probably assuaged any pain of loss. Just pretend that I emailed you over the weekend and said "sit tight!"  

So in this market that keeps going higher, what does one buy for the long term?  Porter Stansberry had a compelling ad out last week for his service that outlined his preference for "Magic Stocks" that go up faster than the market and fall slower ... and, as luck would have it, he dropped some hints about the next "magic" stock he's found for his readers. Wanna know what it is?  So did I, so I sniffed around a bit and got a potential answer for you... details in today's new article here.

Or if you missed any of the fun last week, just read on...

Today_s 50 Top Trending Stocks -- Click to View them now


We started last week by looking at the George Soros-focused ad from Growth Stock Strategist, which has been implying that Soros is making a big bet on the "best tech stock under $8."  So what stock are they hinting at? Click here for the full story,  

We also took a trip Down Under, to look at a newsletter teaser ad from Resource Speculator in Australia -- they're hinting at three of their favorite "bounce back" stocks in the commodities space... and none of them is a gold miner.  Curious?  I was, too, so I dug in and worked with the Thinkolator to get a few answers for you today... you can see them in my new article here.

And we shared another piece from Doc Gumshoe this week -- Michael Jorrin got a bug in his ear about the idea of "screening" when we covered one of the many "this screening technique will save a zillion lives" teasers last month, so today he shares some perspective on the difference between diagnosis and screening... and opines on a few areas where screening is somewhat controversial.  Interesting background and perspective to take into that next annual physical, as well as for those of us who consider investing in various diagnostics stocks...his piece is here.

I closed out the week with the Friday File for our Irregulars, as usual -- this time it's a teaser solution for that group, as I took a look at the latest "Saudi Oil Jihad" piece from Dr. Kent Moors, our favorite readers can see that here.

P.S. Less than one month from now I'll be in the saddle, riding 192 miles to raise money for cancer treatment and research as I again participate in the Pan-Mass Challenge.  Gumshoe readers were extremely generous in supporting my ride (and a great cause) last year and have already helped me reach a fantastic fundraising goal this year... but we can do better!  I hope you'll consider sponsoring me with a donation today.  Thank you!

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Disclaimer:  Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective.  Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed.  You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.  


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Irregulars Corner:
5/25:      Why is Input Surging?

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