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February 7, 2024
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Increasingly, millennials and members of Gen Z are entering into leadership positions in the industry, and they're sharing what they've learned.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (2/6) 
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Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
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7 ways to coach your team to higher close rates
As a sales leader, setting goals and then training your team to achieve them is a massive part of the job, writes consultant and author Mary Kelly. While your team prospects and deals with potential rejection, you should be ready to provide tips and constructive feedback and celebrate their successes when they occur, Kelly notes.
Full Story: Productive Leaders (2/6) 
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Real Estate Trends
Mostly sluggish in 2023, the prospects for short-term rental profits look much better this year. Here's where hosts may make the most.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (2/6) 
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Home shopping activity in the U.S. rose last month, and declining mortgage rates are a factor behind the trend, experts say. Real estate showings for the last week of January were up nearly 10% from the beginning of the month, a ShowingTime analysis found, and Freddie Mac reports that the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage has hovered around 6.6% or 6.7% in recent weeks.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (2/5) 
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The "House in the Hills," designed by Viu Architettura, harmonizes sweeping panoramic views, featuring a large glass facade and an adjacent pool.
Full Story: Home Adore (2/6) 
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The #1 brokerage solution suite for 2024
Consolidate your brokerage's transaction management, accounting, and commission disbursement in a single platform with SkySlope. With automatic data syncs, SkySlope eliminates the need to transfer platforms to get your agents paid fast and securely. Book a demo to claim $500 off today!
Technology & Innovations
Privacy violations scare 52% of marketers more than any other potential issue with artificial intelligence and 74% have developed guidelines in response or plan on doing so, SOCi found in a recent poll. Only 36% worry that the technology will replace them.
Full Story: MediaPost Communications (free registration) (2/5) 
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Business Wellness
Having to communicate—and stand behind—a decision from your boss that you disagree with is "one of the most challenging things you'll have to do as a leader," writes Ron Carucci, co-founder of Navalent. Carucci offers six tips that can make it easier, including venting first to a friend or coach to keep emotions in check and seeking a better perspective on the reasoning.
Full Story: Harvard Business Review (tiered subscription model) (2/5) 
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Fair & Equitable Housing
Work has been underway on multiple fronts to quash bias in the appraisal process. If you see an issue, you can speak up, too.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (2/7) 
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States tap Medicaid funding to address homelessness
Several states are directing billions of dollars in Medicaid funding to address the nation's homelessness epidemic, and the Biden administration is encouraging more states to join the effort as part of a broader strategy to improve health care outcomes for the sickest and poorest Americans by combining social services and traditional medical care. California is allocating $12 billion into an initiative to provide housing aid to patients experiencing homelessness, while Oregon is dedicating more than $1 billion to fund emergency rental aid and other services for patients at risk of homelessness.
Full Story: KFF Health News (2/6) 
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Legislation & Regulation
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has stated that stress on banks arising from the crisis in the commercial real estate sector is "manageable, although there may be some institutions that are quite stressed by this problem." In testimony to the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday, Yellen said regulators are "very focused on helping banks manage through these situations," and are suggesting strategies to help them manage risks such as building more reserves against losses and reviewing dividend policies.
Full Story: Reuters (2/6),  Bloomberg (2/6),  CNN (2/6) 
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