What Sparks Poetry: Tracy K. Smith on "Black Hair" "Working on the poem, I saw clearly how the recurring image of black hair signifies within the specific context of Asian femininity, and yet in my hands—in my mouth—the phrase “black hair” began to make space for a second set of values and vulnerabilities as informed by my racially specific experience." |
Gerard Manley Hopkins' "Terrible Sonnets" "Into his poetic diction went the unchanneled, the inarticulable and unfeelable, the wild energy of a mind for which his circumscribed Dublin life provided no run-off. His language bristles with that electric charge, with a life-force that is so beyond what is usually required by the quotidian business of life that I have to read it as the kind of place where most of us, if we are so inclined, would locate our most intense passions, our keenest, fiercest, least paraphrasable selves." via LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS |
| Poetry Daily stands with the Black community. We oppose racism, oppression, and police brutality. We will continue to amplify diverse voices in the poetry world. Black Lives Matter. |