The MacMost Newsletter: Issue 700 June 2, 2022
20% Off Courses Coupon, Live Episode Friday
Newsletter subscribers get 20% off all courses at the MacMost Courses site. The coupon code until the end of the month is
sunshine . Check out all of the MacMost courses at the
MacMost Courses site including the big new course on macOS Monterey.
Also, I plan on going live on Friday morning with a special episode on keyboard shortcuts. You can find a link to it here:
MacMost Live.
-- Gary
Copying Vs Moving Files On a Mac When you drag and drop a file from one folder to another on a Mac, sometimes this will move the file, and sometimes this will copy the file. Learn when a drag is a move vs a copy and how to choose the other option.
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Watch at YouTube Why Are File Sizes Different On Macs Than Windows and Other Places? When you transfer a file between Mac and Windows, or upload to a cloud service, you may notice that the file size looks different. Windows and most cloud services use a different way to measure sizes like megabytes than Macs do. The file is actually the same size, just the math used to get those file size numbers is different.
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Watch at YouTube When Is the Right Time To Buy a New Mac? What to consider when you are thinking of buying a new Mac. Should you buy when you need a new Mac, or when Apple comes out with a new model? How do you know when Apple is about to release something new?
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Watch at YouTube Use Your iPhone and AirPods As a Hearing Aid You can use the Live Listen feature on your iPhone to use it and your AirPods as a simple hearing aid, allowing you to hear voices clearer even in the next room.
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Watch at YouTube MacMost Recommendations I'm often asked about the software and gadgets I use to produce the MacMost videos and in my work as a developer. So I've compiled a list of the products I use and recommend.
Check it out. -- Gary
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Club MacMost where I share extra posts, tips, bits of video, and commentary. Club MacMost members also get 50% off all courses at the new
MacMost Courses site. Here are the Club MacMost posts from this week:
June 50% Off MacMost Courses Coupon Scheduling Text Messages With Shortcuts/Terminal/Shell/Crontab This Week In the MacMost Q&A Forum
Is It Possible Photo & Video Files On iPhone To Reappear After a Factory Reset? How Do I Accesses Desktop File and Folder Easily? How Do I Format an External Drive and Keep the PC Formatting and Files? Have a question? Ask it in the MacMost Q&A Forum Learn More From MacMost
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