White House rejects study showing refugees aid economy | Look for a strong professional network among applicants | Cast a wide net to build the best remote team
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The Trump administration has rejected findings of a study by the Department of Health and Human Services that refugees have contributed $63 billion more to government revenue than they have cost the US during the past 10 years. The study was completed toward the end of July but has not been made public. The New York Times (free-article access for SmartBrief readers) (9/18)
6 Essential Aspects of Workplace Culture What are the most important elements when it comes to building a strong corporate culture that inspires greatness in your people? New research reveals there are 6 key areas to focus on to get culture right. Download our new white paper to learn more.
Recruiting & Retention
Look for a strong professional network among applicants Hiring managers have learned a strong professional network indicates a job candidate would be a high performer. Connections let a professional tap a wide array of knowledge that might extend beyond personal expertise. ERE Media (9/18)
Resilience matters. Employee burnout is a challenge facing many organizations. Building resilience is the answer. Join our industry experts for a free webinar on Corporate Athlete® Resilience to learn how our solution can benefit your organization. Register today.
Managing results and managing people are different things Leaders must understand business success requires a strong workplace culture, writes S. Chris Edmonds, CEO of The Purposeful Culture Group. Edmonds outlines three stages of effective culture management and explains how an employee-rated values profile helps leaders assess their job performance and improve communication with employees. Training magazine (9/18)
Benefits & Compensation
Financial wellness helps workers control spending, cut debt A PwC survey of 1,600 workers found 53% were financially stressed, 72% of whom could not pay for an unexpected expense and 67% of whom had problems paying monthly bills. The survey found 52% of financially stressed employees offered a financial wellness program said it helped them control spending, 43% said it helped them get ready for retirement and 41% said it helped them to pay off debt. PlanSponsor (9/2017)
The HR Leader
Choosing a strategy for workplace success Some companies have a culture of deceit and some of honor, while others take the preferred pragmatic approach, writes Sharon Margules. "An organization monopolized by those who lie for sport and view manipulation as a survival skill aren't likely to create a loyal, engaged, and high-performing team for long," she writes. HR People + Strategy Blog (9/14)