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Why Building the Wall and Mass Deportations Should Be the Biggest GOP Campaign Talking Points

Another election year, another zigging and zagging by Republican strategists, PACs, and campaign consultants who refuse to push the easy button for massive victories in November.

They're talking about Joe Biden's many disastrous policies and embarrassing moments. They're talking about lawfare and the weaponized Department of Justice. They're talking about men competing against women. And while all of these are important, they're spending far too little time harnessing the threat that's on every voter's mind.

The border invasion affects every American. Donald Trump is talking about mass deportations and that's great. He should also be talking about the wall. But his messaging is far less concerning than what's coming out of every other mouth attached to a Republican campaign. They should be talking about the border crisis MORE than even Trump.

Here are three reasons why this would be the real winning strategy...

It's the Economy, Stupid

On every level, the border invasion has a detrimental effect on the economy that harms every single American to some extent. It's not just lost jobs or the fact that the vast majority of jobs created under the Biden-Harris regime have gone to so-called "migrants." It's also the effects on local businesses.

Illegal aliens cost a ton of money to house, feed, and care for and that's not even taking into account the more direct impacts on the economy, which brings us to reason #2...

Crime, Crime, and More Crime

A day doesn't go by without local news stories across America telling of illegal aliens committing heinous crimes. From the obvious challenges of drugs and theft to the life-stealing crimes like rape and murder, it has become abundantly clear that Trump was right when he said "they aren't sending their best."

As important as those two reasons are, there's one major

It's a Democrat Issue, Not a Biden Issue

"If you want the border secure, become a Republican."

Those words should be uttered by every campaign. They should be used in debates against Democrats, especially when those Democrats are in districts that force them to pretend to be in favor of border security.

Then, there's the replacement candidate factor. I'm still not convinced Joe Biden is going to be on every ballot in November. There are emergency measures and legal actions that can install a new Democrat nominee rapidly. Attacks against Biden's foreign policy, age, dementia, and even the economy will be blunted or reversed if Democrats replace him. All of the effort these campaigns are putting forth to paint Biden as a moron will be wasted if he's replaced.

The border, on the other hand, is a topic that is universally beneficial for Republicans regardless of who is at the top of the ticket.

It's time for Republicans to wise and grab hold of the electoral gold being presented to them. Winning in November could be the only silver lining to the border invasion and the GOP is on the verge of letting that slip away.