WILDFIRE SEASON Wildfire season is starting earlier each year and lasts longer, too. Experts, like CalFire, are expecting fires to be worse this year in Northern California, increasing the number of unhealthy air quality days. A SHIELD FOR YOUR LUNGS Masks have been part of our daily lives and are a great tool to shield your lungs from smoke during wildfire season. BE PREPARED Wildfires are unpredictable and could start at any time, now's the time to prepare. Check your home, get windows fixed and stock up on your masks and filters ahead of time.
RESPRO® RECOMMENDS To filter out smoke and fire-related chemical compounds, we would recommend Respro® Ultralight™ Mask with a Cinqro™ Urban filter, especially for hot summer conditions. This mask and filter are available as a combo pack. For genreal use, and if you're on a tighter budget, we recommend the Techno™ Mask.