Merged harmonically, you sense your intelligence moving up a notch. Ideas are communicated easily for maximum, positive impact. Perseverance is strong as you are more thorough and diligent. Serenity of mind is enhanced – allowing you to think from a wise, philosophical perspective. Your mind dives into the CORE of the matter, considering everything with patience.
Also today, the Sun sextiles Pluto – both at 21°! Pluto and Saturn are currently moving closer and closer together as they prepare to meet for the first time in Capricorn in over 500 years… So this activation from Mercury in Scorpio and Sun in Scorpio to Saturn and Pluto respectively is a beautiful moment of truth and peaceful breakthroughs as you feel even more determined to achieve your goals. Your effortless confidence shines through. You feel naturally attractive. You are fearless in accepting the truth, releasing old beliefs and moving into unchartered territories. Your concentration powers help you unlock mysteries. Energetically you exude mystery and magnetism. You are poised to act assertively, lovingly and peacefully. Working through any challenging project allows you to make huge strides. This is a strong call-to-action to take the initiative. Soon we will be entering eclipse season (December) and experiencing the powerful stellium in Capricorn (January). We are in the final weeks of a powerful new decade: the 2020’s. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you to tune into your OWN success star code revealed in your Jupiter birth blessing – so you have the tools to accelerate the exciting momentum in play now! You were born with Jupiter in a specific house and specific sign in your astrology birth chart. Your NATAL Jupiter placement reveals your natural wealth manifestation gifts. In fact, you have 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones. Each of your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones reveals precisely how you are personally designed to attract abundance and experience supreme Soul-level fulfillment. Discover your Jupiter Wealth Code here. Blessings and Love, Tania Gabrielle P.S. With an open door to explore peace, pleasure and prosperity, it's the perfect time to deepen your commitment to manifesting positive outcomes in your life. One of the best ways is to discover how you are personally designed to attract fortune and fulfillment.