Make Regedit easier to use
By Ed Bott
The Registry Editor utility, Regedit.exe, is an absolute necessity for Windows power users and system administrators. For decades, its design has been unchanged, but effective with Windows 10 version 1803 it gets some interesting usability tweaks.
Most obvious is the new address bar, where you can enter or edit a key directly instead of having to navigate through the registry's hierarchy. The address bar is especially useful if you've copied a key to the Clipboard; just paste and go.
And you don't have to type those long root key names, either. Instead, you can use standard shortcuts for the five root keys, such as HKLM for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKCU for HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Finally, look on the View menu, where you'll find a new Font option. Click that dialog box to change the font, font style, and font size. If you're tired of squinting at those 9-point characters, try 11- or 12-point. Business leaders have begun to look ahead to next year and plan where to focus their technology resources. This ebook, based on the latest ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature, explores how decision makers will get the maximum benefit from their IT... | OneNote, Microsoft's cross-platform notebook tool, lets you tag, flag, recognize, record, and search just about anything. This ebook looks at how you can get the most out of OneNote and what improvements lie ahead. Photos: 20 cool technologies that didn't pan out Today's recommended downloads | (TechRepublic) (TechRepublic) (TechRepublic) (TechRepublic) (TechRepublic) |