Return to by January 15 to get covered.

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You have 5 days left to enroll in health coverage

(Deadline: 5 days left)

Our records show you havent applied for 2022 health coverage yet. Dont delay - January 15 is the last day to enroll for coverage for this year! Come back to to find out if you qualify for savings and pick the plan that best fits your needs.

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Theres more than one way to enroll in Marketplace coverage. If you would like assistance from an agent or broker, or would like to enroll through one of our certified enrollment partners, you can learn more here.

Alert: Open Enrollment ends on January 15.

The Team

This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of the Health Insurance Marketplace 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore MD 21244 1-800-318-2596