Another media system is possible

Free Press Action

Another media system — one that isn’t dominated by harmful Big Media-backed narratives and the consolidation of local newsrooms — is possible. Help us hit our fundraising goal of 250 donations with a gift by midnight »

Take a moment to imagine a different future for local journalism.

What would it look like if:

  • Local media provided everyone with truthful, relevant, accessible information?
  • Journalists collaborated with the public to amplify community narratives and give voice to important underreported stories?
  • Newsrooms were accountable to, and reflective of, the diverse communities they serve?
  • Public policies helped increase the number of local-journalism outlets and expand the number of journalists and storytellers of color?

Every day at Free Press Action, we’re fighting to make all of this a reality. But we’re counting on supporters like you to help us stop bad bills like the Journalism Competition and Privacy Act (JCPA), which would bail out right-wing Big Media conglomerates like Sinclair and make the local-journalism crisis worse. Make your very first donation to Free Press Action by midnight.

The JCPA has momentum due to the powerful Big Media lobby pushing it, including lobbyists working on behalf of Sinclair, Gannett Co. and predatory hedge fund Alden Global Capital. All of these companies have cut local newsrooms to the bone even as they’ve continued to buy back stocks, go deeper into debt to acquire more local outlets, and use other financial gimmicks to enrich their owners, executives and shareholders.

Instead of rushing this bad bill through Congress, our elected officials should work to pass bills that put reporters back on local beats and expand coverage in communities that companies like Sinclair have neglected. And Free Press Action will be there every step of the way to demand better.

Help us reach our fundraising goal with a donation by midnight. Anything you can give will help us mount the strongest fight possible against Big Media and for a media system that represents all of us.


Craig Aaron and Jessica J. González
Free Press
Free Press Action

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