Inventory With No Spreadsheets. No Data Entry. Half the Time. Inventory doesn't have to suck.
You wrestle with spreadsheets, data entry, price lookup. And even if you have technology... it isn't easy. Let's face it... everyone hates inventory. But it doesn't have to be this way. We created the Orderly App as an easy-to-use, do-it-for-me inventory app. How's this for easy? Send us your existing inventory spreadsheet. We'll set it up for you. Be sure to include ingredients, locations, UOMs, prices and last inventory count. We'll create a mobile shelf-to-sheet guide. Then just tap quantities into the app from any device. That's it... you get a complete inventory count and COGS... in half the time. Pain-free. No spreadsheets. No data entry. Half the time. 100% free. Forever.