Join our expert panel and special CDP guest to discuss CDP updates for 2021 and find out how you can improve your score
Hi , CDP Reporting 2021 Webinar We would like to invite you to our upcoming webinar on the latest CDP updates, followed by a live Q&A. Celia Knipper from CDP joins our expert EcoAct panel to highlight 2021 changes to CDP and the important role of this wide-reaching reporting framework for net zero transition. Whether you are a CDP A-Lister or just beginning your CDP journey, this webinar will help get you on track with the latest guidance and will also provide practical guidance on how to improve your company's score. Join us at 2.30pm (GMT) on Wednesday 17th March Your expert speakers for the session will be: Celia Knipper, Account Manager, CDP Laura Carrère, Commercial Director, EcoAct Southern Europe David Grant, CDP Expert Consultant, EcoAct Northern Europe Register today to reserve your place. | |