Putting your feelings in writing is a great way to discover what your feelings are. You think with words these days, and the more articulate you are, the better. Plus, being clear is an effective antidote to the flightiness that seems to surround you, at least until the middle of the week. Wednesday and Thursday someone is being downright clingy; focusing on them might exhaust you, but it will solve their anxiety. Friday is not an easy day -- things may appear as they are not, which isn't helpful -- and this weekend your friends are more demanding than ever. They love you, that's all.

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Hi friend,

Putting your feelings in writing is a great way to discover what your feelings are. You think with words these days, and the more articulate you are, the better. Plus, being clear is an effective antidote to the flightiness that seems to surround you, at least until the middle of the week. Wednesday and Thursday someone is being downright clingy; focusing on them might exhaust you, but it will solve their anxiety. Friday is not an easy day -- things may appear as they are not, which isn't helpful -- and this weekend your friends are more demanding than ever. They love you, that's all.

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