After a string of many long weeks with happy planetary alignments and sweet astrological aspects, an especially challenging week lies ahead. With many squares causing the heavens to cry out in anger and frustration, we will feel the rocky road twisting and turning as we navigate thorns and boulders. Neptune, the planet of deception, illness, and delusion, will be prominent this week, forging many conversations in the sky. First, he will wage war with Mars, bringing defeat and weakness on March 14, followed by a potentially murky conjunction with the sun on the fifteenth. Mercury then unites with Neptune on the sixteenth. This means that while it will be important to embrace our intuition and connect to our higher selves, we must do so delicately without losing sight of reality. Instead, embrace downloads and creative impulses but do so softly. MANTRA I will keep my feet on the ground as I admire the stars from afar. But I will not lose touch with reality. ZODIAC SIGN RATINGS Challenging energy will be popping up throughout the week, and... |