Welcome to the latest issue of our newsletter!
Here are the latest website promotion and Internet marketing tips for you.
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Search engines are the first choice when people are looking for information. If your website is listed for the right keywords, your business will get many new customers.
There are three basic requirements if you want to attract new customers to your website with a successful search engine optimization campaign.

1. You need crawlable web pages
Google's Gary Illyes was very clear when he was asked about search engine optimization in an AMA (ask me anything). A crawlable website is the most important SEO task. If search engines cannot crawl your web pages, they won't get high rankings.
There can be many reasons for crawlability problems: your web pages might have the wrong HTTP status code, there can be an issue with the robots.txt file of your website, dynamic content cannot be parsed correctly, etc.
The website audit tool in SEOprofiler is an easy way to check your website for these errors. Just create a project for your website and the website audit tool will show you all errors that can cause problems with search engines.
2. You need optimized web pages
Crawlable web pages are great. Unfortunately, they are not that great if search engines cannot find the right content on your pages. Your content must be related to the keywords that you target. If your web pages have a clear topic, it is much easier to get high rankings for individual keywords that are related to that topic.
Use the keyword tools in SEOprofiler to find the keywords that will work best with your website. The optimize the content of your web pages to make sure that your website is relevant to these keywords. The tools in SEOprofiler help you to optimize your web pages for mobile search results and for desktop search results.
When you have created the basic content of your pages, it's usually a good idea to expand the content of your website. If you sell watches, do not just create pages for the individual watches. Write articles about the different watch types, when to wear with watch, etc. The more comprehensive your website becomes, the easier it will be to get high rankings for important search terms.
3. You need good links
It is important to have good web pages that are related to the topic of your website. Unfortunately, your website still won't get high rankings on Google and other search engines if other websites have content that is as good as yours.
You also need good links from other websites. Links from other websites show Google that your web pages are better than other pages. Pages with good links get much better rankings than pages that do not have good links.
The quality of the links is much more important than the quantity. A few good links are much better than hundreds of low quality links. You have to find the right link influencers that are related to your business. The Link Influencer tool in SEOprofiler helps you to find these link influencers.
The Link Profiler tool in SEOprofiler also enables you to analyze the link structure of any website. Optimize the existing links of your website, remove harmful links, find links with the right anchor texts, etc.
Improve your website now
The tools in SEOprofiler offer everything you need to improve the rankings of your web pages on Google and other search engines:
Optimize your website now
Stay safe during these difficult times!
Google on reported correlation of bad links and 50% traffic loss "What the publisher saw is an old and common phenomenon called referral spam. The original reason for referral spam was that in the early 2000’s certain free analytics programs published lists of referrers in the form of links. That created the opportunity for spamming a site with fake referrals from the spam site to another site in order to create a link from the public analytics page."
The May 2020 Google Core Update – 4 case studies that emphasize the complexity of broad core algorithm updates
"The cases demonstrate how complex Google’s core updates are. So, if you have been negatively impacted by the May 2020 core update, I would begin to objectively analyze the site soon. And then work to significantly improve the site over the long-term. That’s exactly what Google wants to see."
Google deindexing your site? It might be related to quality issues.
"Google's John Mueller said in a video hangout from May 1st, that often when he looks into SEOs or publishers complaining about Google de-indexing issues, often the issue is with Google not finding enough quality on the pages it has deindexed. John said in these cases, Google no longer wants to index the pages because they do not meet the quality benchmark."
Google: core updates have no impact on Google My Business
"The changes in Search from a core update wouldn't affect the availability of data in Google My Business. If you're seeing changes there, I'd recommend checking in with the @GoogleMyBiz folks or their help forum."
+++ SEARCH +++ ENGINE +++ NEWS +++ TICKER +++
- Google's turning down API support for batch HTTP and JSON-RPC requests.
- Google Chrome: Protecting against resource-heavy ads in Chrome.
- Google tests ‘Curbside Pickup’ badge for local Shopping ads.
- Google faces privacy complaint for tracking users in EU.
- Gary Illyes: core algorithms are the collective of algorithms that are part of the scorer (IR score in information retrieval) & generally unnamed externally.
- Google Australia pays more tax, but still makes billions on local sales counted in Singapore.