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Cuomo: gyms, salons can reopen in Orange Zones with increased testing, reduced capacity


During a COVID-19 update Friday New York Governor Cuomo announced gyms and salons can reopen in Orange Zones with increased testing and regulations.


US allows emergency COVID-19 vaccine in bid to end pandemic


The U.S. has given the final go-ahead to the nation's first COVID-19 vaccine, launching emergency vaccinations in a bid to end the pandemic.


Cuomo: New York State to have over 500,000 COVID-19 vaccines by December 21


On Friday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that Moderna will send 346,000 COVID-19 vaccines to New York State by December 21st.


NYSPHSAA cancels winter state championships, postpones high risk sports


Officials say low and moderate risk regular season sports continue to be permitted and the 2021 spring state championships remain scheduled at this time.


Beauty salons ready to reopen, indoor dining could be next


The Christmas season for salons is usually a busy one.


Christmas Week on 7 PLUS: Here's how you can watch last year's Christmasville Firetruck Parade


Like so many things this year, the 2020 Christmasville Firetruck Parade in Lancaster was canceled due to COVID-19, that's why 7ABC will stream the 2019 parade on 7 PLUS twice in the week leading up to Christmas.


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